Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday Follow: Comments

Below please find several posts titled "Thoughts about..." This is an activity designed to collect valuable information that resulted from our work together and also to walk everyone through the process of using safely monitored comments on a blog.

I would appreciate it if you would click on the word  c
omments under the appropriate post and share a thought about that particular tool. Use the comments section to suggest a better tool, ask a question, or post teaching connections. Have a good idea? Post a comment. 

When you comment, please make note of the rules posted just above the comment box. These rules can be used as a topic for discussion when introducing comments to students and posting them right there helps reinforce Internet safety.

Step-by-step directions for setting up monitored comments are posted in the sidebar of the blog.

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The comments on the blog are being moderated. Please keep your response short and concise. Remember to follow these rules:

1. Your comment cannot reveal any private information.

2. Please ign all comments with your chosen pen name to identify yourself to this group only.

3. When asked to CHOOSE AN IDENTITY before submitting your post for moderation, choose "anonymous" so your name is not revealed in the blog. Sign your blog post with your pen name so we know who submitted it.

4. Use correct web etiquette, formal, appropriate language, not text message terms. Do not fill the comment box with unnecessary punctuation.

5. Be respectful and considerate when replying to the ideas of others.