Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday: Agenda

8:30 - StartUp Tasks
9:00 - Whole Group
  • Demo: Comment on a VoiceThread, View ScreeenToast,  a video tutorial created with ScreenCast
  • Discussion about learning through comments
  • Internet Safety and comments
  • Try it! Comment on a VoiceThread, view samples
10:00 - NETS: Google Doc, editable form available
              NETS Translated, View glog (embedded into a Wiki)

10:15 - Break

10:30 - Museum Box, Go

Challenge  Create a ScreenToaster Tutorial

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1. Your comment cannot reveal any private information.

2. Please ign all comments with your chosen pen name to identify yourself to this group only.

3. When asked to CHOOSE AN IDENTITY before submitting your post for moderation, choose "anonymous" so your name is not revealed in the blog. Sign your blog post with your pen name so we know who submitted it.

4. Use correct web etiquette, formal, appropriate language, not text message terms. Do not fill the comment box with unnecessary punctuation.

5. Be respectful and considerate when replying to the ideas of others.