Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thoughts About ScreenCasting Tools

Please use the comments section to contribute your thoughts, ideas, questions and suggestions for using this tool.  Rules for publishing comments will appear when you click on the link.


  1. ScreenToaster is a great tool when it works, but it has been unreliable lately. Today during class, only some people were able to create a screentoast. I just realized that those who were on laptops were unsuccessful, while those who were using desktop machines were. Could it be connection speed and wireless issues? - blogmaster

  2. I thought today's class was very helpful. It was great to be able to learn things from others. We don't often get enough time to colloborate about technology. I thought ScreenToaster was really neat. I will also be using VoiceThread this year with my students. Technology always makes learning more fun for everyone involved. Thank you for the opportunity to work on each of these sites!!


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